Invisalign braces give you the straight smile you’ve been looking for without the prolonged period of sharp metal and wires in your mouth. Invisible braces and “Invisalign” braces are a brand-new trend in tooth alignment and straightening. For patients that qualify, it means freedom from the negative aspects of wearing braces.
The following questions and answers may help you in your decision to have Invisalign orthodontic care:
You will notice a very slight change in speech when initially placing the trays, but this is transient. Others probably will notice no difference in their speech. Most of our adult patients wear Invisalign trays 22 hours per day. They are mostly working people who need clear speech to perform their jobs.
Yes, they usually are, and in some instances, more effective. Invisalign is particularly effective with patients who have mild open bites (the thickness of the trays helps “close the bite”) and those with periodontal bone loss (forces are very gentle). There are orthodontic treatments that are better treated with conventional braces, such as those with patients who need multiple extractions of teeth or those who have severe discrepancies between the sizes of their upper and lower jaws. There are categories of malocclusion (crooked teeth), but every patient really is unique. During your initial consultation you will find out if Invisalign is the best approach for your particular orthodontic correction.
There is a minimum threshold for tooth movement that exceeds 11 hours per day. Wearing the trays significantly less than the recommended 22 hours per day will produce less than an ideal result. Simply put, if you feel you will be unable to comply with close to full-time wear, use the conventional approach with clear brackets.
In most cases, you can skip to the next tray without a compromise in the quality of the treatment result.
You should brush your trays just as you brush your teeth.
Your next step
Drs. Roberts & de Marsche welcome new patients.
Call Drs. Roberts and de Marsche at (215) 665-1846 (Philadelphia office) or send us a message from the contact form located at the top-right corner of this page to request your free orthodontic consultation. The doctors work closely with many general dentists and dental specialists. If you have no dentist, we can help find a general dentist well-suited for you.
Contact an Orthodontist in Philadelphia
Invsalign Philadelphia
1601 Walnut Street
Suite 1513A
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(215) 665-1845